
LED Screens Direct can usually provide an airtime sales package that will generate LED screen revenue for the shopping centre.

This revenue will contribute significantly to the cost of the screen purchase and, in many cases, pay for the screen completely over an 18 to 24 months time line. The exact return a centre can expect will depend upon a variety of factors that determine the advertising appeal and so the rates that can be charged for airtime on your screen.

As a part of the site survey process, LED Screens Direct will automatically consider this important element of the screen purchase process for you, and make detailed proposals as appropriate if required. As there are many variables that determine the "value" of the site in advertising terms, generalisation is difficult, but typically centre footfall and screen size/prominence in the site are the main drivers in determining the likely revenues that can be generated.

Usually, where such a media sales agreement is in place, advertising will take up 80% of the screen time with the remaining 20% available to the centre for in-house promotions and centre information broadcast. Strict non-compete clauses are always included in the media sales contract that prevent conflicts of interest arising. For example, advertising for competing shopping centres or stores outside the centre are always excluded.

A mix of local advertising featuring cinema, theatre, restaurant and attraction ads is blended in with national account adverts for cars, financial products and travel. Often centre tenants benefit from the advertising as they offer the products promoted. Tenants do not usually make up a significant part of the advertising sold so are never canvassed for this. We do not want the screen to be seen by tenants of the mall as in any way unattractive. However, it is not unusual for major retail chains or in-mall cinema multiplexes to use the screen for new product launches or film premier advertising, but they approach the airtime sales house to do this.

If such advertising funding is of interest to you, we will be happy to include this important revenue stream in our quotations to you.