Trinity Centre, Wakefield

32 square meter screen installed on the outside of this recently built centre in Wakefield. Running advertising still images and re-purposed TV ads with a mix of local centre content on a 6 minute loop, this 12 mm resolution screen is mounted above a retail unit on six steel mounting stubs put in at the time the centre was built. Screen base is 4 m above the floor and message visibility of the screen is up to 200 m.

A custom made frame to adapt the screen support surround to the wall mounting points was required. This is an outdoor rated screen (IP65) which also delivers images in direct sunlight as it has a maximum brightness of 6,500 NIT which is automatically controlled via a light detection system that selects the right screen brightness for the ambient light levels prevailing at any time of day or night. Typically the screen runs at around 15% brightness at night and up to 60% brightness in full sun. This automatic brightness control ensures that the screen is properly visible at all times without being blindingly bright at night or wasting electricity.